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Market Analysis


Executive Summary

Executive Summary

  • Our core strength is Christopher T Soles' high level of experience and expertise in various industry niches.

  • We use advanced tools and software to provide comprehensive reports on property conditions, minimize risks, and maximize returns for our clients.

  • Our commitment and dedication add value to our clients and help them achieve their real estate investment goals.

  • We are a modern and innovative real estate evaluation and consultancy firm built to fit into the design of a 21st-century standard.

  • Our brand is centrally positioned to make real estate investing accessible to people of all income brackets and ethnicities across the US and beyond.


  • Our major weakness is breaking into the market and attracting top-profile clients in the industry due to being in the nascent stage of business operations.

  • Another weakness is not having the required cash to build and promote our business, which will be countered by securing a substantial SBA loan.


  • Fraud in real estate and construction is at an alarming rate, taking many forms and resulting in significant financial losses for investors and undermining the industry's integrity.

  • In 2021, over 11,578 victims reported instances of real estate or rental fraud, and nationally, property fraud risk has surged 23% in 2022 from the year prior, according to CoreLogic data.

  • There is an opportunity for INVESTOR INSPECTOR ESTIMATOR LLC to prevent fraud in the real estate and construction industry and provide high-end value to investors and other stakeholders.

  • Our thorough feasibility studies and market surveys have positioned us to cater to clients' needs and maximize our profitability.


  • Economic downturns may affect our target market's purchasing/spending power, posing a threat to our business.

  • The arrival of new inspection and evaluation firms in the same locations where our target market exists may also pose a threat, especially if they adopt a similar business model.

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Management Structure

  • Christopher T Soles is the chief operator and manager of INVESTOR INSPECTOR ESTIMATOR LLC, bringing many years of hands-on experience and expertise to the company.

  • As director/founder, Christopher is responsible for dictating the direction of the business, cross-checking the effectiveness of sales and marketing plans, signing documents, identifying problems and making decisions, evaluating performance, organizing meetings, preparing materials, implementing policies, and building and maintaining an effective operating system.

  • With his leadership and guidance, INVESTOR INSPECTOR ESTIMATOR LLC is well-positioned to offer sheer value to clients in the real estate industry.

  • Our management structure ensures effective decision-making and implementation of policies, leading to the achievement of our business goals and providing exceptional value to clients.

  • Christopher's extensive experience and expertise make him a valuable asset to our team, and his leadership ensures our success in the real estate industry.


Sales and Marketing Strategy

Our marketing and sales strategies include:

  • Sending introductory letters and brochures to property investors, construction agencies, apartment rental firms, and other key stakeholders in the industry.

  • Advertising in relevant real estate business magazines, newspapers, TV and radio stations, and online directories.

  • Attending relevant local and international expos, seminars, business conventions, etc.

  • Offering different packages for different categories of clients to work with their budgets while delivering turnkey evaluation and inspection services.

  • Extensively leveraging the internet to promote our services and advertising on our official website.

  • Joining local chambers of commerce and industries to market our services and encourage word-of-mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients.

  • Employing search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, and ad purchases to increase visibility and attract clients.

  • Our sales and marketing strategy will help us reach our target market and establish our brand as a dominant force in the real estate industry.

Financial Overview


Net worth

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